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TMJ Disorder Symptoms Might Be Improved with Minor Lifestyle Changes

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TMJ disorder symptoms often include a dull ache in the muscles in front of the ears, or temples. It is often associated with discomfort when biting down, clicking or a locking up of the temporomandibular joints. This can have a significant negative impact your quality of life.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or you have had other functional issues with your jaw, you should consider scheduling a consultation at Dr. Alan Kessler’s orthodontic clinic. Once Dr. Alan Kessler has assessed and diagnosed your TMJ disorder he can help you identify some of the underlying factors causing your symptoms.

Sometimes simple things like eating softer foods, applying ice packs, and performing some basic jaw stretching exercises can make a significant difference. If he feels it is warranted, Dr. Alan Kessler might also recommend taking over the counter anti-inflammatory medications.

In some cases chronic night grinding can also contribute to temporomandibular distress. If he thinks this is a factor, Dr. Alan Kessler might recommend wearing a dental guard in your mouth, when you go to bed at night.

If your symptoms don’t show significant improvement in a few weeks Dr. Alan Kessler might advocate more advanced treatment strategies. This might involve prescription anti-inflammatory medication, or the use of prescription muscle relaxers.

If you live in the Virginia Beach, Virginia, area and you are experiencing TMJ disorder symptoms, you should call 757-340-8805 to seek diagnosis and treatment at London Bridge Smiles.

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